Visitation Guidelines
Sunshine Christian Homes, welcomes guests, family members, third party providers and vendors to our community. Guests are welcome to visit Residents in common areas, outdoor areas or in Resident rooms, with the Resident’s permission. Sunshine Christian Homes complies with all Federal, State and County guidelines for managing risks to Residents, staff and guests.
As per Florida Statute 408.823, the Administrator is responsible for ensuring that staff adhere to the policies and procedures.
General Guidelines:
- Guests are welcome to visit between the hours of 9am to 9pm, however, the Main Lobby doors are locked at dusk and the Enhanced Care Wing doors are secured at all times. To enter the building at either entrance after dark, please ring the bell by the doors.
- All guests are asked to check in at either the Main Reception Desk in the Lobby or at the Resident Care Stations for the Enhanced Care Wing.
- Visitors are not compelled to provide any proof of vaccination, and consensual physical contact between and Resident and guest will be allowed.
- There is no time limit for visits or limit to the number of visitors.
- Residents may leave the facility for visits with family, shopping or meals if desired; Residents are requested to sign out when they leave and sign in when they return.
Visitor Check-In:
- All guests are asked to stop by the reception desk for the Main Entrance or the Resident Care Station for the Enhanced Care Wing to sign In/Out and when required to be screened for entry.
- Visitors wishing to visit the Enhanced Care Wing are encouraged, but not required to call in advance of visiting in order to accommodate private visitation in semi-private room settings.
- Hand sanitizer is available at all check-in locations.
- Education for visitors including screening processes, utilization of Personal Protective Equipment, and other infection control concerns will be available via a printed document and posted by the outside doors.
- Disposable face masks will be available, upon request for any visitor who feels it would be prudent for them to wear one.
In the event a visitor violates the Sunshine Christian Homes guidelines as outlined, the community reserves the right to require that a visitor agrees in writing to the visitor guidelines.
Sunshine Christian Homes may suspend in-person visitation of a specific visitor if the visitor violates the visitation guidelines.
Essential Caregivers:
- A Resident or their responsible party may designate a visitor as an essential caregiver who is a family member, friend, guardian, or other individual.
- In-person visitation by the essential caregiver is allowed for at least 2 hours daily in addition to any other visitation authorized by Sunshine Christian Homes.
Special Circumstances:
Sunshine Christian Homes recognizes that visitors are important to the lives of our Residents. In the event of a Local, State or Federal agency mandated visitation restriction, essential caregivers will be allowed.
- End-of-Life circumstances
- A Resident is struggling with the change of environment and in-person family support after moving into the community.
- The Resident is making major medical decisions
- A Resident is experiencing emotional distress
- A Resident is grieving the loss of a friend or family member who recently died
- A Resident needs cueing or encouragement to eat or drink which was previously provided by a caregiver or family member
- A Resident who used to talk and interact with others is seldom speaking.
Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions.