
Monetary Donations are accepted via cash or check (made out to Sunshine Christian Homes). These donations are applied to the Charitable Care Account unless specified for other use. Monetary Donations may be specified for:

  • Charitable Care Account – designed to assist residents whose personal funds do not fully cover their room and board expenses.
  • Helping Hands Account – specifically designed to assist residents who need financial assistance with the high cost of prescriptions, medical care or daily needs.
  • Employee Fund – money set aside to thank employees for providing excellent services via Employee Appreciation Events and the annual Employee Christmas Party. Employees are NOT allowed to accept gifts or money from residents or family members. PLEASE do NOT give money, gift cards or other gifts to a specific employee as this may be viewed by the State of Florida as Exploitation.
  • In Memoriam – Examples of this are seen throughout the facility; where families have honored their loved ones with a lasting memorial at Sunshine Christian Homes, Inc. Examples include the fountain south of West Wing along with certain artwork and furnishings in the Chapel, Activity Center and Library.
  • Sunshine Christian Homes Auxiliary Fund – The Auxiliary sponsors fundraisers and events on a regular basis to provide additional support to the residents. Their fundraising efforts include a monthly clothing sale and an annual Attic Sale (open to the surrounding community). The Auxiliary Committee meets regularly to discuss their fundraising efforts and how to best utilize the money they have received. Funds have been used to purchase equipment and furnishings for Sunshine Christian Homes, Inc. and to supply the boutique available Monday – Saturday for the residents to purchase small items on-site.

In addition to Monetary Donations, Sunshine Christian Homes, Inc. relies upon the community to donate incontinent supplies, toiletry items such as: liquid hand soap, Body Wash, Tissues, Shampoo, Conditioner, Men’s Razors, Denture cleaner, denture paste.  Also needed are new & used clothing and other slightly used household items that are still in good condition. These items are then repurposed as Bingo prizes or sold through the clothing sales or Attic Sale. These items are also given to residents at no cost if the resident has no other way of purchasing or receiving them.

If you would prefer to make a donation of your time, we have many Volunteering Opportunities. Please come in to complete a Volunteer Application and let us know what your interests are. For more information on volunteering, please contact Activities Department or click Here.